Kategorie: in english

Kanarienvogel in der Kohlenmine

A canary in the coalmine – Editorial

Zur deut­schen Versi­on dieses Beitrags🔊 Link to the audio poad­cast versi­on – – - From May 15th to May 17th, I had the privi­le­ge of atten­ding the „Beyond Growth“ confe­rence at the Euro­pean Parlia­ment in Brussels. I agree with those who call it a histo­ric event. You can read why I think…


WEF Davos 2013 – Inequality destroys everything

World Econo­mic Forum Annual Meeting 2013 from Janu­ary 23rd to 27th (Jakob Jordaens – „Feast of the Bean King“ – Wiki­pe­dia) If this week in Davos, like every year, the powerful busi­ness leaders and poli­ti­ci­ans meet to rendez­vous, they will once more be summing up and looking forward. It can be…

Obama calls on ‘cynical’ banks to agree rules that will protect Americans 0

Obama calls on ‘cynical’ banks to agree rules that will protect Americans

During a speech in New York to an audi­ence of 700, inclu­ding top names from the finan­cial services indus­try, Obama said he was fed up with Ameri­cans being „duped“ by preda­to­ry beha­viour from finan­cial insti­tu­ti­ons and accu­sed banks of losing touch with broa­der socie­ty. „Some on Wall Street forgot that…

Außerordentliche Nachwuchsforscher 0

Außerordentliche Nachwuchsforscher

Kimber­ley Ellis und Rapha­el Mutter erstel­len in Tahiti eine Mach­bar­keist­stu­die zu Umwelt­fra­gen, die in dem Roman „Das Tahiti-Projekt“ aufge­wor­fen wurden. Kimber­ley schreibt ihre Erleb­nis­se auf beein­dru­cken­de Art und Weise (in Englisch)  im Weblog „Tahiti-Virus“. Das ist auch der gleich­na­mi­ge Titel des Nach­­fol­­ge-Romans von Dirk C. Fleck, dem dies­jäh­ri­gen Preis­trä­ger des…

What is money 0

What is money

What is money? Let us take the good news first. Money is one of the most inge­nious inven­ti­ons of mankind. It helps the exch­an­ge of goods and services and over­co­mes the limits of the barter system, ther­eby, crea­ting the possi­bi­li­ty for specia­liza­ti­on, which is the basis of civi­liza­ti­on. Why then…