AEMS 2023

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About AEMS
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– - ‑Our current econo­mic system leads to explo­ita­ti­on of natu­ral resour­ces, social problems, such as inequa­li­ty, and plays a signi­fi­cant role in clima­te change. The finan­cial system, with its unre­gu­la­ted banking and specu­la­to­ry prac­ti­ces, as well as the dyna­mics of compound inte­rest contri­bu­te to ecolo­gi­cal degra­da­ti­on and a syste­ma­tic redis­tri­bu­ti­on of wealth to the richest part of the population.
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The Time For Change Is Now!
The AEMS summer univer­si­ty is a combi­ned effort to create an acade­mi­cal­ly open event for students and profes­sio­nals from all walks of life: The program takes place annu­al­ly in Vienna and is orga­ni­zed as a not-for-profit coöpe­ra­ti­on project between OeAD student housing, the Univer­si­ty of Natu­ral Resour­ces and Life Scien­ces, Vienna (BOKU) and repre­sen­ta­ti­ves of the Econo­my for the Common Good (ECG).
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Change the Game – Change the Future!
AEMS is an acade­mic program offe­ring a holi­stic approach to sustaina­bi­li­ty and the inter­con­nec­tions between econo­my, socie­ty and the envi­ron­ment. The summer school compri­ses lectures, (panel) discus­sions and work­shops, as well as extra­cur­ri­cu­lar acti­vi­ties and will take place in Vienna from July 17th to August 4th, 2023 – becau­se: There is no alter­na­ti­ve for alternatives!
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