Globalisation and Public Welfare

with Respect to the Money- and Land Order.
This is the title of a work by Helmut Creutz, a famous author of a alter­na­ti­ve thin­king about money.
Here is a preface of this paper:

„On the one hand it is hardly compre­hen­si­ble how finan­cial curr­ents around the globe are incre­asing so exces­si­ve­ly and on the other hand there are growing complaints about a lack of money. On the one hand pover­ty is spre­a­ding in the world more and more, on the other hand a mino­ri­ty of people are accu­mu­la­ting a wealth that can only be measu­red in terms of the econo­mic perfor­mance of dozens of smal­ler count­ries. How do such contra­dic­tions arise? What are the reasons for such dysfunc­tion­al deve­lo­p­ments on inter­na­tio­nal and natio­nal levels? How come that the turno­ver at global stock­ex­ch­an­ges mean­while exceeds the turno­ver of real econo­my by a multi­ple of times, so that global debts perma­nent­ly grow, deepe­ning the discrepan­cy between North and South, between the rich and the poor. How is it possi­ble that three people on earth have gathe­red a wealth that surpas­ses the econo­mic perfor­mance of 600 milli­on people in 35 of the poorest count­ries? And how does it come that within indi­vi­du­al count­ries there is an alar­ming growth of econo­mic and social problems despi­te a steady increase of the econo­mic perfor­mance and the escala­ti­on of mone­ta­ry assets. How does it come that thirty years ago towns and muni­ci­pa­li­ties were capa­ble of buil­ding schools, public swim­ming­pools, nursery­schools and libra­ri­es and today, they aren

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